KIT 01

This development kit can allocate M.2 modules based on IMXRT 1052 processor. The kit includes some external peripherals to help in SW development.

KIT 01
KIT 01 Functional Description
This development kit can allocate M.2 modules based on IMXRT 1052 processor. The kit includes some external peripherals to help in SW development.


Module features

Kit features

The kit includes:

  • Carrier Simplia 01
  • Simplia module with IMXRT 1052 processor 16MB RAM 16MB FLASH Security module
  • Any of the three versions can be connected: Compact, Connect Wifi and Connect LTE-M/NB-IOT/GNSS
  • Color display woth capacitive touch interface
  • Camera
  • Antennas when selecting Connect models

KIT-SIMPLIA-01-ADevelopment kit including Carrier board, Display with Capacitive Touch, Camera and Compact IMXRT 1052 16MB RAM 16MB FLASH Security module
KIT-SIMPLIA-01-B Development kit including Carrier board, Display with Capacitive Touch, Camera, Connect IMXRT 1052 16MB RAM 16MB FLASH AW-NM191NF Wifi Security module and antennas
KIT-SIMPLIA-01-CDevelopment kit including Carrier board, Display with Capacitive Touch, Camera, Connect IMXRT 1052 16MB RAM 16MB FLASH BG77-GNSS Security module and antennas


The standard part number are shown in this table.